Amazon Earnings for November 2014

This post is late regarding my Amazon earnings, but it has been a busy month. I am now on holiday, so I have all the time now. It has been another record month for me with earnings of $704.00 for November.     I am at an referral rate of 7.00% but missed the 7.5% by 38 items. December should be another good month because of Christmas shopping. My focus has been auto spares the last 3 months and I don’t think many Christmas shopping will be done in this category. In 2015 I will diversify more. The goal of building 120 websites in 120 days will be a huge fail. The reason is that my focus has been on Lns and all my funds available to buy domains went into building my Lns shopping network. The return on investment at Lns is going to be slower than my Amazon … Continue Reading →

The Perfect Product

Have you ever wished that you would discover a product that everyone can use and you get a small percentage of every sale? Well, I think I have found it. The product is something every person is doing every day, namely shopping! I think it is the perfect product because we are all doing it already. Why not get rewarded for it and build a second income from it part time. This program combines everyday shopping with a customer loyalty program and network marketing. This creates a win-win-win for customer, shop owner and marketer. The customer gets discounts from shop owner, the shop owner gets repeat loyal customers and the marketer gets rewards from every transaction. I found out about Lns about 2 months ago and the more I learn about it the better it is becoming. A loyalty cash back card that you can use and as you shop … Continue Reading →