My USI Tech Review

The year 2017 started off great. MPA, MPCA and Genesis Mining was doing well and the bitcoin price was rising every week. But then MPA en MPCA stopped paying. I moved to Traffic Hurricane and then they stopped paying. I then took a break to reflect. Only Genesis Mining was still going strong. I then joined Steemit and Genesis Mining stopped selling bitcoin cloud mining contracts. Time for more reflecting and looking around. Then USI Tech had a big London party and announced big changes and I decided to join. Join USI Tech Here: I had a very long look at USI Tech and decided to go all in. The reason is that following the success of Genesis Mining, lending bot ICO’s, transparency and future plans of USI Tech I decided to join and promote it. In the video below I give more details:   Here are more reasons why … Continue Reading →

Traffic Hurricane

Traffic Hurricane Review

Traffic Hurricane Traffic Hurricane is the newest revshare program I joined. I joined on the 12 Feb 2017 with 1 ad pack. The ad packs are all one price at $50 each. So the entry price is high compared to other revshares where they have multiple ad packs of $10, $25 and $50. Traffic Hurricane is a copy of the website Traffic Monsoon. Traffic Monsoon was the grand daddy of revshares before the SEC closed them down. TM was the revshare that was the oldest and the biggest. The revshare model of Traffic Monsoon was set to last long term because the earning they pay out is very low. You get $55 from each $50 ad pack paid over about 55 days. That is 10% return over 55 days. So that is 4.6% return per month. This is the slowest I have seen. Traffic Hurricane is following the same returns, … Continue Reading →

My Top 6 Money Making Programs for November 2016

My list has changed a lot since I updated it in September and I give my reasons below each program name. Top 6 1. MyPayingAds (MPA) This is still my number 1 recommendation. The reason is that it is the oldest revshare online and can be trusted the most. It is also very easy to use for newbies once you have bought ad packs. I noticed that newbies to Revshares struggle to understand what a payment processor is and Revshares. But as soon as the money is transferred from their credit card to Payza and then to MPA it is all systems go. 2. MyPayingCryptoAds (MPCA) MPCA is my number 2 even though it is only launching in the next 1 to 2 weeks. The reason is that it is the sister company of MPA and it is in Bitcoin. MPCA has the same returns as MPA but because the … Continue Reading →

My Top 3 Revshare Programs

I was recently asked: What are your top 3 revshare programs? So I decided to share it here with you. You must remember that revshares are very risky when using it to make money. If you are using revshare websites for advertising you will get value with all the exposures with page views of you offer. Here are my current 3 favorite revshare companies. They are my top 3 because of the stability they have shown. They also have open communication with their members. These revshares have many ways of generating income and this is why they last so long. The 3 Revshare companies that I recommend you invest in: 1. Fort Ad Pays   Presentation by one of the top members Mel: Join FAP here: Fort Ad Pays has doubled its member numbers in 2016 so far and growing. The Alexa ranking is just keep going up and … Continue Reading →

Found a Great Program to Generate Leads

I have put Amazon website creation on hold so now I have more time to find leads for Lyoness. I am very positive that Lyoness will be a success and will generate huge financial rewards in the future. The problem is leads. This must be one of the biggest challenges for any network marketer. So I searched the internet and found a program that will help me find leads. Not only that, this program gives me comprehensive training on all possible internet marketing platforms and can generate me income by referring the program to other marketers. The program name is MyLeadSystemPro. The training and education inside the program is amazing. Any business looking to advertise online will benefit from this training program. Any beginner and advanced internet marketer should check it out before judging the system. The training inside is amazing. Every possible internet marking strategy online is covered with … Continue Reading →

Amazon Earnings for November 2014

This post is late regarding my Amazon earnings, but it has been a busy month. I am now on holiday, so I have all the time now. It has been another record month for me with earnings of $704.00 for November.     I am at an referral rate of 7.00% but missed the 7.5% by 38 items. December should be another good month because of Christmas shopping. My focus has been auto spares the last 3 months and I don’t think many Christmas shopping will be done in this category. In 2015 I will diversify more. The goal of building 120 websites in 120 days will be a huge fail. The reason is that my focus has been on Lns and all my funds available to buy domains went into building my Lns shopping network. The return on investment at Lns is going to be slower than my Amazon … Continue Reading →